Checking if the workstation is locked
May 23. 2008 3 Comments
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- C#
I recently needed to determine whether the workstation that an application was running on is locked. Surprisingly, I couldn't find anything really simple on the internet so I figured out my own little method of doing it. I've simplified the code into a static method so it really easy to call. The code is below:

[DllImport("user32", EntryPoint = "OpenDesktopA", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)] private static extern Int32 OpenDesktop(string lpszDesktop, Int32 dwFlags, bool fInherit, Int32 dwDesiredAccess); [DllImport("user32", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)] private static extern Int32 CloseDesktop(Int32 hDesktop); [DllImport("user32", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)] private static extern Int32 SwitchDesktop(Int32 hDesktop); public static bool IsWorkstationLocked() { const int DESKTOP_SWITCHDESKTOP = 256; int hwnd = -1; int rtn = -1; hwnd = OpenDesktop("Default", 0, false, DESKTOP_SWITCHDESKTOP); if (hwnd != 0) { rtn = SwitchDesktop(hwnd); if (rtn == 0) { // Locked CloseDesktop(hwnd); return true; } else { // Not locked CloseDesktop(hwnd); } } else { // Error: "Could not access the desktop..." } return false; }Hope this helps anyone that comes across the same problem.
This doesn't work on Windows 10 when user presses Ctrl L to lock the machine.
HungThis code doesn't work on win10 devices, SwitchDesktop always succeeds even when it is in locked state.
AshishTry the updated solution here, and keep in mind this post was from 2008...